Master ChatGPT Prompts – FREE Lunch & Learn

Start date: 03 July 2024

Duration: 3rd July (12:30pm - 1:30pm)

Location: Online

Certificate: N/A

Cost: FREE

Course code: N/A

Programme overview

Join us for an engaging 60-minute remote "Lunch and Learn" session on Prompt Engineering. This workshop is tailored for professionals with non-technical backgrounds who are eager to understand and apply prompt engineering principles to their work. Over the course of 45 minutes, participants will engage in hands-on activities, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.

Prompt Engineering is the term used to craft a question or statement submitted to ChatGPT. The structure of the submission is critical to ensure the response is accurate, relevant and useful.

This session is designed to demystify the technical aspects of prompt engineering, providing clear and accessible explanations that enable participants to create effective prompts.

By the end of the session, attendees will have gained valuable insights and practical skills that can be applied directly to their projects, enhancing their ability to leverage AI technologies.

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this workshop you will be able to:

– Understand the fundamentals of prompt engineering
– Learn to create prompts that yield accurate and relevant AI outputs
– Identify and correct common mistakes in prompt crafting
– Apply advanced techniques to improve AI model performance
– Gain insights from real-world examples and case studies

Who Is This Course For?

This programme is aimed at anyone who used ChatGPT or is planning on using ChatGPT


– Introduction to Prompt Engineering
– Crafting Effective Prompts
– Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
– Advanced Techniques in Prompt Engineering
– Real-world Applications and Case Studies

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Applications Closing on 01/07/2024

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